All About Massage & Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).

Why would using massage and LLLT be more beneficial than either alone? 

By using LLLT in addition to massage, we can improve the benefits for the patient.  In short, massage and LLLT (also commonly known as Cold Laser) work synergistcally – amplifying the benefits of either alone. 

Massage is well known to provide relief to tight, tense and sore muscles.  It can also help improve circulation to a targeted area and release fascial adhesions, all of which promotes comfort, mobility and reduces pain. 

LLLT helps improve tissue repair, reduce pain and again, inflammation.  It triggers an increase of mitochondria energy which in turn encourages an acceleration of the healing process. 

LLLT can penetrate into deeper tissues which is how it supports massage further.  It allows the therapist to create a more comfortable experience overall.  

When we put the two modalities together, they work together to promote healing beyond what you’d expect by using one or the other alone.  The great news is that we can indeed use either massage or LLLT and still get great results. 

When do I like to use LLLT? 

I like to use Cold Laser in a variety of ways:

  • When a twitching or spasm reaction has been elicited during massage.
  • As an acupoint treatment to allow greater areas or conditions to be targeted.
  • In patients who are not naturally tactile dogs and do not tolerate massage for long. 
  • When dogs are too painful to allow massage to a particular area. 
  • In acute cases where massage may not be the preferred treatment method. 


The Laser I use is a Class 3B.  It is safe to use as there is little risk of “over-treating” – the extra treats we like are the rewards at the end!  We do need to protect everyone’s eyes from the beam, usually with goggles and/or physical barriers.